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Human Rights Policy Statement

Implementation Date: 10-14-2021

Review Date: Annually


The purpose of this policy is to establish standards and guidelines by which Reach High Consulting and Therapy, LLC and any subsidiaries will safeguard the individual human rights and personal freedoms of those who are receiving their services. This includes services supported by Indiana Waiver programs.


This policy applies to all Reach High Consulting and Therapy, LLC employees, providers, subcontractors, consultants, vendors, and volunteers.


Individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities have the same rights as everybody else. Each individual is capable of exercising their rights, unless it has been legally determined that they lack the capacity to do so. These rights include those guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, in addition to statutory, and civil rights.

It is the policy of Reach High Consulting and Therapy, LLC. to protect clients from abuse, neglect, exploitation, or mistreatment, or other violation of an individual’s rights. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the following:

  1. Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are free to exercise their right/s to individual liberty, dignity, respect, and privacy.

  2. Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities have a right to be heard and a right to make their own choices. They are able to freely make and express their own choices, complaints, concerns, and/or suggestions. These can be expressed through verbal, non-verbal, and/or behavioral means.

    1. The expression of choices, complaints, concerns, and/or suggestions can be made freely without interference or fear of retaliation.

  3. Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities will be supported with the most positive, person-centered, and least restrictive intervention/s that have been determined to be effective.

  4. Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities will be provided the least restrictive living conditions. This applies to movement, privacy, personal relationships, access to the community, employment, recreation, and any other relative aspect of personal and community life. 

  5. Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities will receive positive behavioral interventions, and will be taught skills to support daily living.

  6. Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

  7. Procedures are in place to promote and protect the civil, constitutional, and legal rights of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities receiving services.


The CEO and Founder of Reach High Consulting and Therapy, LLC., is responsible for this policy.

Clinic Locations


1923 S Liberty Dr, Bloomington, IN 47403

(812) 330-4460


900 Tutor Ln Suite 107,

Evansville, IN


(812) 602-1038


556 S Washington St,

Dale, IN


(812) 602-1038​206

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